COVID-19 Concerns:

In addition to our regular preparations, we are implementing some common-sense precautions that relate to Covid-19.  These precautions include, but are not limited to the following:

~ Daily disinfecting of classrooms, washrooms and the lunchroom area

~ Students having scheduled handwashing and sanitizing throughout the day

~ Students using their own water bottles rather than the drinking fountains

~ Students not sharing school supplies

~ Students being encouraged to not touch their faces and to keep their hands to themselves

~ Keeping children with a cough or fever home for a full 24 hours after the fever has broken

Media upgrade

Realizing how quickly schools were shut down this past spring has also caused us to look at ways to improve our online instruction.  We have purchased Amazon Fire 7 Tablets for grades 2-6 to utilize in the classrooms and are in the process of setting up cameras to allow for live classes over ZOOM and/or class videos of teacher instruction time in grades 4-12.  This will help us in the event of a future school closing and may also help when students are absent from school.