Annual Missions Conference


October 24-27, 2024

Theme:  "Lord of the Breakthrough!"

"Behold I will so a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not be aware of it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."  Isaiah 43:19

Everyone welcome!

Missionaries & Guest Ministers, please register ahead of time.

THURSDAY, oCT.  24th

Join us for a Fellowship Picnic Supper and spend time with our missionaries!  There is something for all ages; bring the family!  Bring a dish to pass, or just come and enjoy this special time of fellowship!

Thursday Schedule:

1:00pm-5:00pm Check-In/Registration Open

5:00pm-8:00pm Picnic & Fellowship at Church

   5:00pm-6:30pm Children's Outdoor Activities; Bounce House; Pony Cart; Popcorn & Lemonade Stand

   6:30pm-7:30pm Missionary Stories for children inside/Youth Campfire outside

   6:30pm-7:30pm Music/Fellowship Hall Program for adults

   8:00pm Dismissal

Friday, Oct. 25, 2024

Friday Morning:

9:00AM Prayer, ladies load up in church van.

9:15AM Ladies head to Julie's house for Tea.

Ladies Speaker: Gina Moffitt

9:15-11:15AM Men's Round Table at church.

9:15-10:15AM Rev. "What is the New Thing" with Travis Moffitt

10:15-11:15AM "Embracing the New Thing" with Dr. Brian Gaskill

11:30AM Plenary Session at Chruch for all missionaries.

12:30PM Lunch.

Friday Evening:

6:30PM Missions Service with Missionary Bob McCoy, Jr.

Refreshments served after service.

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024

Saturday Morning:

9:00AM Men's Breakfast at church with Missionary Jerry Rodriguez

9:00AM Ladies' Breakfast at church with Connie Rodriguez

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024

Saturday Evening:

4:30PM Banquet Meal at Hayward Steakhouse

6:30PM Missions Service with Missionary Julius Morar

Refreshments served after service.

Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024

9:00AM Sunday School

10:00Am Missions Service with Rev. Travis Moffitt

Lunch after service for everyone

6:00PM Evening Missions Prayer Service

Followed by our Sunday Night Sundae Delight!