Join us for Sunday Services:

Sunday School 9:00AM

Worship Service 10:00AM

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Bible Classes Wednesdays 6:30-8PM

Meet in the sanctuary at 6:30PM for group praise and prayer, then we will breakout into groups:

-Psalms Bible Study

-Family Cell Group: "Living Out Faith"

-7th-12th grade Youth Group

* NO Wed. Night gatherings on Dec. 25th or Jan. 1st.

Christmas week office hours

Christmas Week Office Hours:

Monday, Dec. 23rd; 9AM-1PM

Friday, Dec. 27th; 9AM-1PM


*Christmas Eve Service on Tues. Dec. 24th at 5:00PM.  

**No Wed. Night services Dec. 25th or Jan. 1st.

New Years Week Office Hours:

Monday, Dec. 30th; 9AM-1PM

Tuesday, Dec. 31st; 9AM-1PM

Friday, Jan. 3rd; 9AM-1PM

Christmas Eve Service

Northern Lights will be hosting a Christmas Eve Service at 5:00PM Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

"Light the Night!"

Everyone is welcome!

New Year's Tea

Sunday, Jan. 5th; 9AM - everyone welcome!

Join us for tea/coffee and refreshments and hear a brief word from Pastor Tim.

Monthly prayer meeting

Sunday, Jan. 5th @ 6pm.

We encourage you to join us in corporate prayer and continue praying at home - seeking the Lord for our nation, authority figures, missionaries, community, church, and more.  Prayer makes a huge difference!

"Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."  I Timothy 2:2

Sunday school resumes

Join us for Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults Sundays at 9AM.

After the Holiday Season, classes resume:

Sunday, January 12th

Wednesday Night Schedule

No Bible Studies or Youth Group:

Dec. 25th or Jan. 1st

Wednesday Night Classes resume:

Wed. Jan. 8th at 6:30PM

Annual Summer Tent Event!

Friday, July 11th Fish Fry & Car Show

Saturday, July 12th Bike Blessing

Sunday-Wednesday, July 13th-16th Tent Services

Monday-Thursday, July 14th-17th VBS for Kids age 4-6th grade