These schedules are posted for the convenience of our church members/servers. Switching dates with another server is no problem! Feel free to change days as needed with someone else who is already pre-approved for serving in that area. Although not absolutely necessary, it is nice to inform the Church Office of changes so that the reminder email sent out weekly can be as accurate as possible. Thank you!
Thank you, Northern Lights Church Body, for your willingness to serve in the various designated areas! If you are interested in serving in a particular area, please see Pastor Timothy Warner or Julie Gaskill in the Church Office.
All individuals serving must have appropriate background checks and meet with Pastor and the Elders. Thank you for serving cheerfully, as unto the Lord! We encourage members to serve in some area. There are many options available. It is a good idea to match your giftings and skill sets with an area of service.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." I Peter 4:10